Korak Studio at DWNS 2022

We held a lecture called "Take it easy, son", & spoke about growth, maturing, annoyance, persistence, conquering new spaces of freedom, swinging between domestic and foreign clients, good and poorly paid jobs, the beauty of the uncertainty of the results and floating in the sweet and salty waters of design.

Photography: DWNS 2022


As an integral part of the Novi Sad European Capital of Culture project and as one of the most important events of the Kaleidoscope of Culture, Design Week positions creative industries as an important factor in the development and shaping of a country's culture, and indirectly, the development of society as a whole. With an ambitious program and careful selection of content, DWNS aims to position Novi Sad on the map of the most important places in the world for the development and nurturing of design and creative industries.

Design Week Novi Sad is launched on the basis of the PDP Conference Of Creative Media, which was launched by the organizers of DWNS in 2007.

Learn more at designweek.rs

In addition to the lecture, "All Stars" risograph exhibition has been organised. We participated with three artworks (click to see).


Vlajkovićeva 29, Belgrade
+381 65 6502200

Business Design Centre, 
52 Upper Street, London
+44 20 711 28853

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